Welcome to Week 3 of Olive’s Baker’s dozen- F1 Goldendoodle updates! These adorable little ones are growing and developing daily! Olive is doing a wonderful job keeping up with the demand of 13 puppies. She is eating around the clock, trying to keep her weight up and feed all of her little ones. Puppy weights are starting to vary, with some more petite, and some on the bigger side (we are looking at you Graham!).
We can now see little glimpses of personalities starting to emerge. Puppies are beginning to have little barks, growls and yips- some more vocal than others. We are keeping music on in the whelping area so the puppies can get used to hearing different noises and sounds. ‘Tis the week of strength and mobility! All of the puppies are toddling around, getting their sea-legs steady. They also have begun to “play” with one another. So much development in such a little time.
This is also the last week of a nursing only diet, later this week we will start introducing puppy mush. This will be a welcome break for Momma! At 3 weeks little teeth start to emerge and they are ready to utilize them! With solid food come solid poops- and lots of it! We will be introducing a potty pad this week, and following up with a pine pellet box over the next few weeks.
The fun is about to begin! Stay tuned for more updates. Scroll down to view the latest pics of this adorable bunch!
We still have some availability with this litter- please reach out with any questions or interest either by emailing us at info@pickerelpups.com, send a text or call us at 218-849-5137.
Kate & Craig Kleindl
