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Week 5!

‘Tis the season… for puppy chaos.  The puppies are growing and developing quickly. They are now literally running to us now when they see us, everyone of them begging to be cuddled and loved.  This is the time for socializing and playing.  Lots of noisy little babies, rolling around and wrestling each other.  

The puppies love testing out their new teeth, and are developing some great barks!  

Puppies are weaning off of Mom and love meal time!  The puppies know that when we say “puppy, puppy, puppy” that it is time to come to us and pay attention.

We still have some availability on this litter.  If you are interested in getting on our list, please contact us for more information by emailing us at, send a text or call us at 218-849-5137. 



Kate & Craig Kleindl

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